Achievements 2021
>>FY2021 >>FY2022 >>FY2023
- Yamashita, F., E. Fukuyama, and S. Xu(2022), Foreshock Activity Promoted by Locally Elevated Loading Rate on a 4‐m‐Long Laboratory Fault, Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth,127
- Kameda, J.and Y. Hamada (2022), Stick-slip behavior of a clayey crustal fault, Physical Review Research, 4, 013211
- Yamanaka, Y., S. Kurata, K. Yano, F. Komaki, T. Shiina and A. Kato(2022), Structured regularization based velocity structure estimation in local earthquake tomography for the adaptation to velocity discontinuities, Earth, Planets and Space, 74
- Jiang, F., H. Liu, X. Chen and T. Tsuji(2022), Acoupled LBM-DEM method for simulating the multiphase fluid-solid interaction problem, Journal of Computational Physics, 454
- Itoh, Y. and Y. Aoki(2022), On the performance of position-domain sidereal filter for 30-s kinematic GPS to mitigate multipath errors, Earth Planets Space, 74
- Takemura, S., K. Obara, K. Shiomi and S. Baba(2022), Spatiotemporal variations of shallow very low frequency earthquake activity southeast off the Kii Peninsula, along the Nankai Trough, Japan, Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 127
- Hashimoto, Y., S. Sato, G. Kimura, M. Kinoshita, A. Miyakawa, G. F. Moore, M. Nakano, K. Shiraishi, and Y. Yamada(2022), Décollement geometry controls on shallow very low frequency earthquakes, Scientific reports, 284130
- Tonegawa, T., E. Araki, H. Matsumoto, T. Kimura, K. Obana, G. Fujie, R. Arai, K. Shiraishi, M. Nakano, Y. Nakamura, T. Yokobiki and S. Kodaira(2022), Extraction of P wave from ambient seafloor noise observed by distributed acoustic sensing, Geophysical Research Letters, 49
- Tonegawa, T., S. Takemura, S. Yabe, K. Yomogida(2022), Fluid migration before and during slow earthquakes in the shallow Nankai subduction zone, Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 127
- Sawayama, K., T. Ikeda, T. Tsuji, F. Jiang, O. Nishizawa, and Y. Fujimitsu(2022), Elastic Wave Velocity Changes Due to the Fracture Aperture and Density, and Direct Correlation With Permeability: An Energetic Approach to Mated Rock Fractures, Journal of Geophysical Research, 127
- Uno, M., K.Koyanagawa, H. Kasahara, A. Okamoto and N. Tsuchiya(2022), Volatile-consuming reactions fracture rocks and self-accelerate fluid flow in the lithosphere, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 119
- Tsuchiyama, A., T. A. Taira, J. Nakajima and R. Bürgmann(2022), Emergence of Low‐Frequency Aftershocks of the 2019 Ridgecrest Earthquake Sequence, Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America Search
- Seshimo, Y., and S. Yoshioka(2022), Spatiotemporal slip distributions associated with the 2018–2019 Bungo Channel long‑term slow slip event inverted from GNSS data, Scientific Reports, 12
- Zhao, Qi., Y. Y. Yan, S. Tonai and N. Tomioka(2022), Peter D. Clift, Meor H. Amir Hassan, Jasmi Hafiz Bin Abdul Aziz A new K-Ar illite dating application to constrain the timing of subduction in West Sarawak, Borneo, Geological Society of America, 134
- Matsuno, S., M. Uno, A. Okamoto, and N. Tsuchiya(2022), Machine‑learning techniques for quantifying the protolith composition and mass transfer history of metabasalt, Scientific reports, 12, 1385
- Okada, Y., T. Nishimura, T. Tabei, T. Matsushima and H. Hirose(2021), Development of a detection method for short-term slow slip events using GNSS data and its application to the Nankai subduction zone, Earth, Planets and SpaceEarth, 74
- Chow, B., Y. Kaneko and J. Townend(2022), Evidence for deeply-subducted lower-plate seamounts at the Hikurangi subduction margin: implications for seismic and aseismic behavior, Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 127
- Perez-Silva, A., Y. Kaneko, M. Savage, L. Wallace, D. Li and C. Williams(2021), Segmentation of shallow slow slip events at the Hikurangi subduction zone explained by along-strike changes in the fault geometry and plate convergence rates, Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 127
- Bassett, D., A.Arnulf, S. Henrys, D. Barker, H. V. Avendonk, N. Bangs, S. Kodaira, H. Seebeck, L. Wallace, A. Gase, T. Luckie, K. Jacobs, B. Tozer, R. Arai, D. Okaya, K. Mochizuki, G. Fujie and Y. Yamamoto(2022), Crustal Structure of the Hikurangi Margin From SHIRE Seismic Data and the Relationship between Forearc Structure and Shallow Megathrust Slip behavior, Geophysical Research Letters, 49
- Miyakawa, A., A. Noda and H. Koge(2022), Evolution of the geological structure and mechanical properties due to the collision of multiple basement topographic highs in a forearc accretionary wedge: insights from numerical simulations, Progress in Earth and Planetary Science, 9, Article number: 1
- Xie, Z., Y. Cai, S. Yoshioka and D. Abe(2022), Exploring the location of large earthquakes using fault stress accumulation—A case study upon MW9.0 Tohoku-Oki earthquake in Japan, Chinese Journal of Geophysics (in Chinese), 65
- Yamaoka, K. and S. R. Wallis(2022), Recognition of broad thermal anomaly around the median tectonic line in central Kii peninsula, southwest Japan: Possible heat sources, Island Arc, 31
- Fukuda, K., T. Hatano and K. Mochizuki(2022), Model for tectonic tremors: Enduring events, moment rate spectrum, and moment-duration scaling, Physical Review E, 105, 014124
- Zhang, Y., F. Jiang and T. Tsuji(2022), Influence of pore space heterogeneity on mineral dissolution and permeability evolution investigated using lattice Boltzmann method, Chemical Engineering Science, 247
- Shinohara, M., S. Sakai, T. Okada, H. Sato, Y. Yamashita, R. Hino, K. Mochizuki and T. Akuhara(2022), Precise aftershock distribution of the 2019 Yamagata‑oki earthquake using newly developed simple anchored‑buoy ocean bottom seismometers and land seismic stations, Earth, Planets and Space, 74
- Hirauchi, K., Y. Nagata, K. Kataoka, R. Oyanagi, A. Okmoto and K. Michibayashi(2021), Cataclastic and crystal-plastic deformation in shallow mantle-wedge serpentinite controlled by cyclic changes in pore fluid pressures, Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 576
- Chang, T., and S. Ide(2021), Hypocenter hotspots illuminated using a new cross-correlation-based hypocenter and centroid relocation method, Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 126
- Davy, R. G., L. Frahm, R. Bell, R. Arai, D. H. N. Barker, S. Henrys, N. Bangs, J. Morgan and M. Warner(2021), Generating High-Fidelity Reflection Images Directly From Full-Waveform Inversion: Hikurangi Subductino Zone Case Study, Geophysical Research Letters, 48
- Tsuji, T., T. Ikeda, R. Matsuura, K. Mukumoto, H.F. Lawrens, T. Kimura, K. Yamaoka and M. Shinohara(2021), Continuous monitoring system for safe managements of CO2 storage and geothermal reservoirs, Scientific Reports, 11
- Suzuki, A., M. Miyazawa, J. Minto, T. Tsuji, I. Obayashi, Y. Hiraoka and T. Ito(2021), Flow estimation solely from image data through persistent homology analysis, Scientific Reports, 11
- Kita, S., H. Houston, S. Yabe, S. Tanaka, Y. Asano, T. Shibutani and N. Suda(2021), Effects of episodic slow slip on seismicity and stress near a subduction-zone megathrust, Nature Communications ,1955480
- Ide, S.(2021), Empirical Low-Frequency Earthquakes Synthesized From Tectonic Tremor Records, Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 126
- Mizushima, R. and T. Hatano(2021), Slow periodic oscillation without radiation damping: new evolution laws for rate and state friction, Geophysical Journal International, 229, 274
- Massaro, L., J. Adam, E. Jonade and Y. Yamada(2021), New granular rock-analogue materials for simulation of multi-scale fault and fracture processes, Geological Magazine, 1-24
- Okuda, H., M.J. Ikari, A. Roesner, K. Stanislowski, A. Hüpers, A. Yamaguchi and A.J. Kopf(2021), Spatial Patterns in Frictional Behavior of Sediments Along the Kumano Transect in the Nankai Trough, Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 126
- Zhu, W., Y. Ji, R. Qu, C. Xie, S. Yoshioka, and D. Zeng(2021), Thermal regime and slab dehydration beneath the Izu-Bonin arc: Implications for fast and slow subduction earthquakes, Terra Nova, 34
- Akizawa, N., A. Yamaguchi, K. Tani, A. Ishikawa, R. Fujita and S.H. Choi(2021), Highly refractory dunite formation at Gibbs Island and Bruce Bank, and its role in the evolution of the circum-Antarctic continent, The Canadian Mineralogist, 59
- Ahmad, A.B. and T. Tsuji(2021), Machine learning for automatic slump identification from 3D seismic data at convergent plate margins, Marine and Petroleum Geology, 133
- Nimiya, H., T. Ikeda and T. Tsuji(2021), Temporal changes in anthropogenic seismic noise levels associated with economic and leisure activities during the COVID-19 pandemic, Scientific Reports, 11
- Ando, I., Y. Mugita, K. Hirayama, S. Munetoh, M. Aramaki, F. Jiang, T. Tsuji, A. Takeuchi, M. Uesugi and Y. Ozaki(2021), Elucidation of pore connection mechanism during ductile fracture of sintered pure iron by applying persistent homology to 4D images of pores: Role of open pore, Materials Science and Engineering: A, 828
- Iwasaki, Y., K. Mochizuki, M.Ishise, E.K. Todd, S.Y. Schwartz, H. Zal, M.K. Savage, S. Henrys, A.F. Sheehan, Y. Ito, L.M. Wallace, S.C. Webb, T. Yamada and M. Shinohara(2021), Continuous Tremor Activity With Stable Polarization Direction Following the 2014 Large Slow Slip Event in the Hikurangi Subduction Margin Offshore New Zealand, Journal of Geophysical Research, 127
- Yokota, Y., T. Ishikawa, S. Watanabe and Y. Nakamura(2021), Crustal deformation detection capability of the GNSS-A seafloor geodetic observation array (SGO-A), provided by Japan Coast Guard, Progress in Earth and Planetary Science, 8,63
- Shinohara, M., T. Yamada, H. Shiobara and Y. Yamashita(2021), Development of a Compact Broadband Ocean Bottom Seismometer, Seismological Research Letters, 92
- Yoshida, K., N. Uchida, H. Kubo, R. Takagi and S. Xu(2021), Prevalence of updip rupture propagation in interplate earthquakes along the Japan trench, Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 73
- Takahashi, H., K. Tateiwa, K. Yano and M. Kano(2021), A convolutional neural network-based classification of local earthquakes and tectonic tremors in Sanriku-oki, Japan, using S-net data, Earth, Planets and Space, 73
- Kano, M., A. Ikeuchi, T. Nishimura, S. Miyazaki and T. Matsushima(2021), Potential of megathrust earthquakes along the southern Ryukyu Trench inferred from GNSS data, Earth, Planets and Space, 73
- Hartung, E., L. Caricchi, D. Floess, S. Wallis and S. Harayama(2021), Establishing genetic relationships between the Takidani pluton and two large silicic eruptions in the Northern Japan Alps. Journal of Petrology, 62
- Chhun, C., and T. Tsuji(2021), Pore pressure and gas saturation distribution in the forearc basin of the Nankai subduction zone inferred from high-resolution Vp and Vs, Marine and Petroleum Geology, 205
- Yoneshima, Y. and K. Mochizuki(2021), Migration‐Based Local Event‐Location Workflow for Ocean‐Bottom Seismometer (OBS) Records in Subduction Zones: A Practical Approach for Addressing a Large Number of Events, Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America,112
- Yamashita, Y., M. Shinohara and T. Yamada(2021), Shallow tectonic tremor activities in Hyuga-nada, Nankai subduction zone, based on long-term broadband ocean bottom seismic observations, Earth, Planets and Space, 73
- Suenaga, N., S. Yoshioka and Y. Ji(2021), 3-D thermal regime and dehydration processes around the regions of slow earthquakes along the Ryukyu Trench, Scientific Reports, 11
- 巽 好幸・末永 伸明・吉岡 祥一・金子 克哉, 海惑星の将来を考える─マントル掘削の意義─ , 地学雑誌, 130
- Okamoto, A., R. Oyanagi, K. Yoshida, M. Uno, H. Shimizu and M. Satish-Kumar(2021), Rupture of wet mantle wedge by self-promoting carbonation, Communications Earth & Environments, 2
- Yamashita, F., E. Fukuyama, S. Xu, H.Kawakata, K. Mizoguchi and S. Takizawa(2021), Two end-member earthquake preparations illuminated by foreshock activity on a meter-scale laboratory fault, Nature Communications, 12
- Shibata, R., N. Aso, G. Oikawa, J. Nakajima, and S. Ide(2021), Potential applicability and limitations of radiation-corrected empirical Green’s functions for point-source cases, Geophysical Journal International, 229
- Park, J.O., N. Takahata, E.J. Hondori, A. Yamaguchi, T. Kagoshima, T. Tsuru, G. Fujie, Y. Sun, J. Ashi, M. Yamano and Y. Sano(2021), Mantle-derived helium released through the Japan trench bend-faults, Scientific reports, 11
- Ramirez, G., A. Smye, D.M. Fisher, Y. Hashimoto and A. Yamaguchi(2021), Constraints on element mobility during deformation within the seismogenic zone, Shimanto Belt, Japan, Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 22
- Shimura, Y., T. Tokiwa, H. Mori, M. Takeuchi and Y. Kouketsu(2021), Deformation characteristics and peak temperatures of the Sanbagawa Metamorphic and Shimanto Accretionary complexes on the central Kii Peninsula, SW Japan, Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 215
- Kouketsu, Y., K. Sadamoto, H. Umeda, H. Kawahara, T. Nagaya, T. Taguchi, H. Mori, S. R. Wallis and M. Enami(2021), Thermal structure in subducted units from continental Moho depths in a palaeo subduction zone, the Asemigawa region of the Sanbagawa metamorphic belt, SW Japan, Journal of Metamorphic Geology, 39
- Nishiyama, N., K. Ujiie and M. Kano(2021), Spatial changes in inclusion band spacing as an indicator of temporal changes in slow slip and tremor recurrence intervals, Earth, Planets and Space, 73
- Mitsui, Y., H. Muramatsu and Y. Tanaka(2021), Slow deformation event between large intraslab earthquakes at the Tonga Trench, Scientific Reports, 11
- Kundu, S., A. Opris, Y. Yukutake and T. Hatano(2021), Extracting Correlations in Earthquake Time Series Using Visibility Graph Analysis, Frontiers in Physics, 9
- Hirose, T., Y. Hamada, W. Tanikawa, N. Kamiya, Y. Yamamoto, T. Tsuji, M. Kinoshita, V. B. Heuer, F. Inagaki, Y. Morono and Y. Kubo(2021), High Fluid-Pressure Patches beneath the Decollement: A Potential Source of Slow Earthquakes in the Nankai Trough off Cape Muroto, Journal of Geophysical Research, 126
- Mochizuki, K., S. Henrys, D. Haijima, E. Warren-Smith and B. Fry(2021), Seismicity and velocity structure in the vicinity of repeating slow slip earthquakes, northern Hikurangi subduction zone, New Zealand, Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 563
- Yamaya, L., K. Mochizuki, T. Akuhara and K. Nishida(2021), Sedimentary structure derived from multi-mode ambient noise tomography with dense OBS network at the Japan Trench, Journal of Geophysical Research, 126
- Yarce, J., A. Sheehan, S. Roecker and K. Mochizuki(2021), Seismic Velocity Heterogeneity of the Hikurangi Subduction Margin, New Zealand:Elevated Pore Pressures in a Region with Repeating Slow Slip Events, Journal of Geophysical Research, 126
- Yokota Y., T. Ishikawa, S. Watanabe and Y. Nakamura(2021),Crustal deformation detection capability of the GNSS-A seafloor geodetic observation array (SGO-A), provided by Japan Coast Guard, Progress in Earth and Planetary Science, 8,63,
- Chang, T., and S. Ide(2021), Hypocenter hotspots illuminated using a new cross-correlation-based hypocenter and centroid relocation method, Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 126,
- Shinohara, M., T. Yamada, H. Shiobara, Y. Yamashita(2021), Development of a Compact Broadband Ocean Bottom Seismometer, Seismological Research Letters, 92,
- Yamashita, Y., M. Shinohara and T. Yamada(2021), Shallow tectonic tremor activities in Hyuga-nada, Nankai subduction zone, based on long-term broadband ocean bottom seismic observations, Earth, Planets and Space, 73,
- Yoshida, K., N. Uchida, H. Kubo, R. Takagi and S. Xu(2021), Prevalence of updip rupture propagation in interplate earthquakes along the Japan trench, Earth and Planetary Science Letters,
- 山口哲生, “粘着・剥離現象における濡れの動力学” (招待講演), 日本接着学会粘着研究会, 2021/5/21
- 藤内智士,久保雄介,木下正高,岡﨑啓史, “コア試料大量CTスキャン法の紹介と南海トラフDSDPおよびODPコアの予察データ”, JpGU Meeting 2021, 2021/6/3
- Suzuki, T.,” Systematic understanding of the slip-front-propagation velocity in terms of Linear Marginal Stability Hypothesis”, JpGU Meeting 2021, 2021/6/5
- 山口哲生, “いきものにヒントを得たやわらかい高分子の研究:剥離・摩擦・破壊” (招待講演), 高分子学会関東高分子若手研究会, 2021/6/12
- 山口哲生,佐野友彦, “粘着・剥離現象における濡れの動力学”, 日本接着学会年次大会, 2021/6/25
- 山口哲生, “接着・剥離現象の可視化とモデル化”, (招待講演), 構造接着・精密接着研究会第 2 回研究講演会, 2021/7/20
- 藤内智士,川上 慶,橘 隆海,山田泰広, 砂箱クーロンウェッジのフロンタルスラスト形成時に見られる変形と応力の周期性, 日本地質学会第128年学術大会, 2021/9/4
- 山口哲生, “モデルネットワーク材料の巨大変形と破壊”, (招待講演), 高分子討論会, 2021/9/6
- Tetsuo Yamaguchi, Oscillatory slip nucleation and tremor migration in laboratory earthquake experiments, International Joint Workshop on Slow Earthquakes 2021, 2021/9/14
- 山口哲生, “超音速領域における高分子ゲルの摩擦挙動”, 機械学会M&M, 2021/9/16
- Suzuki, T., “Systematic treatment for the slip-front-propagation velocity with general friction laws and its implications for ordinary and slow earthquakes”, Int. Joint Workshop on Slow Earthquakes 2021, 2021/9/16
- Satoshi Tonai, Takami Tachibana, Kei Kawakami, Yasuhiro Yamada, “Effects of layer strength on deformation styles in sandbox Coulomb wedges”, International Joint Workshop on Slow Earthquakes 2021, 2021/9/14-16
- 山口哲生, “分岐をもった構造物の曲げ・ねじれ振動モード解析”, 機械学会M&M, 2021/9/16
- Satoshi Tonai, Takami Tachibana, Kei Kawakami, Yasuhiro Yamada, “Deformation and stress cycle during frontal thrust formation of sandbox Coulomb wedges”, GeoMod 2021, 2021/9/21
- 山口哲生, “植物の根の引き抜きと強靭化”, 日本物理学会秋季大会, 2021/9/23
- 山下太,溝口一生,飯塚幸子, “センチメートルスケールにおける変はんれい岩ガウジの摩擦特性 -岩石摩擦特性のスケール依存性解明に向けて-”,
Hiroyuki Noda, “Simulation of dynamic earthquake sequence in a linear poroelastic medium”, 日本地震学会2021 年度秋季大会, 2021/10/15
- Makoto Yamamoto, Hiroyuki Noda, “The Influence of Fault-Strength Heterogeneity on Earthquake Cycle in a Viscoelastic Medium”, 日本地震学会2021 年度秋季大会, 2021/10/15
- Shunya Kaneki, Hiroyuki Noda, “Steady-State Pore-Fluid Pressure Based on Hydraulic Models in Subduction Zones”, 日本地震学会2021 年度秋季大会, 2021/10/15
- Tetsuo Yamaguchi, “Sliding friction of soft solids at intersonic sliding velocities”, 日本学術会議理論応用力学分科会, 2021/11/13
- 山口哲生, “超音速すべり摩擦”, MIMS研究会, 2021/12/3
- Suzuki, T., “Conditions for ordinary and slow earthquakes in terms of the analytical forms of the intruding and extruding slip-front-propagation velocities”, AGU Fall Meeting 2021, 2021/12/17
- Hiroyuki Noda, “Dynamic Earthquake Sequence Simulation Accounting for Interseismic Poroelastic Rebound”, DPRI Annual Meeting 2022, 2022/2/21
- Shunya Kaneki, Hiroyuki Noda, “Steady-State Pore-Fluid Pressure Based on Hydraulic Models in Subduction Zones”, DPRI Annual Meeting 2022, 2022/2/21
- Makoto Yamamoto, Hiroyuki Noda, “The Influence of Fault-Strength Heterogeneity on Earthquake Cycle in a Viscoelastic Medium”, DPRI Annual Meeting 2022, 2022/2/21
- 山口哲生, “超広帯域すべり速度におけるソフトマターのトライボダイナミクス:準静的,亜音速から超音速まで” (招待講演), 日本トライボロジー学会トライボダイナミクス研究会, 2022/2/24
- 鈴木岳人・松川宏, “BKモデルと熱・流体・空隙相互作用によるゆっくり・高速地震遷移条件の数理的解析”, 日本応用数理学会第18回研究部会連合発表会, 2022/3/8
- 鈴木岳人・松川宏, “熱・流体・空隙率相互作用によるゆっくり地震から高速地震への遷移とその機構-バネ・ブロックモデルによる解析-”, 日本物理学会第77回年次大会, 2022/3/26
- Makoto Otsubo, Kohtaro Ujiie, Hanae Saishu, Ayumu Miyakawa, Asuka Yamaguchi, “Temporal changes in pore fluid pressure during slow earthquake cycle estimated from foliation-parallel extension cracking”, EGU General Assembly 2021, 2021/4/26
- Luigi, M., Adam, J., Jonade, E., Yamada, Y., “Analogue modelling of strike-slip tectonics from basin to structural-scale comparing silica sand and new rock-analogue materials”, EGU General Assembly Conference, 2021/4/30
- Rie Nakata, Masa Kinoshita, Yoshitaka Hashimoto, Yohei Hamada, “Drilling and monitoring in Hyuga-Nada: Unveiling effects of ridge subduction on slow earthquakes”, (招待講演), 日本地球惑星科学連合2021年大会, 2021/6/1
- Saeko Kita, Heidi Houston, Suguru Yabe, Sachiko Tanaka, Youichi Asano, Takuo Shibutani & Naoki Suda, “Effects of ETS on seismicity and stress in the subducting oceanic plate”, 日本地球惑星科学連合2021年大会, 2021/6/3
- 奥田花也、廣瀬 丈洋、山口飛鳥, “島弧海溝系における堆積物のすべり特性解明に向けた火山ガラス-粘土混合系の摩擦実験”, 日本地球惑星科学連合2021年大会, 2021/6/4
- 山口飛鳥, “南極海サウスシェットランド海溝における堆積作用”, 日本地球惑星科学連合2021年大会, 2021/6/5
- 箱守 貴、谷 健一郎、黒田 潤一郎、山口 飛鳥, “巨摩山地桃の木亜層群のジルコンU-Pb年代とその意義”, 日本地球惑星科学連合2021年大会, 2021/6/5
- 秋澤 紀克、山口 飛鳥、大嶋 ちひろ、谷 健一郎、石川 晃、藤田 遼、CHOI SUNG HI, “Highly refractory dunite formation in Gibbs Island and Bruce Bank, and its role in the evolution of the circum-Antarctic continent”, 日本地球惑星科学連合2021年大会, 2021/6/5
- 木村 学、中村 恭之、白石 和也、藤江 剛、小平 秀一、山口 飛鳥、福地 里菜、橋本 善孝, “Rejuvenated extension of the Philippine Sea plate and its effect on subduction dynamics in the Nankai Trough”, 日本地球惑星科学連合2021年大会, 2021/6/6
- 山本 一平、中村 佳博、針金 由美子、纐纈 佑衣、谷 健一郎、山口 飛鳥, “Rheological and metamorphic evolutions of high-grade Shimanto accretionary complex in Kerama islands, Ryukyu”, 日本地球惑星科学連合2021年大会, 2021/6/6
- 朴 進午、高畑 直人、Jamali Hondori Ehsan、山口 飛鳥、鹿児島 渉悟、鶴 哲郎、藤江 剛、孫 岳、芦 寿一郎、山野 誠、佐野 有司, “Mantle-derived helium released through the Japan Trench bend-faults” (招待講演), 日本地球惑星科学連合2021年大会, 2021/6/6
- 大坪 誠, 氏家恒太郎, 最首花恵, 宮川歩夢, “メランジュ面構造に平行な伸長石英脈から見積もられたスロー地震発生サイクル中の間隙流体圧の時間変化”, 日本地質学会2021年大会, 2021/9/4
- 山口 飛鳥、大熊 祐一、奥田 花也、山本 一平、福地 里菜, “沈み込み帯の断層挙動の多様性をもたらす地質学的要因”, 日本地質学会第128年学術大会, 2021/9/4
- 副島 祥吾、ウォリス サイモン, “変成岩の体積変化に基づく沈み込み境界におけるシリカ移動の定量化”, 日本地質学会, 2021/9/4
- ウォリス サイモン、青矢 睦月, “沈み込み境界プロセスを議論するためにどの蛇紋岩体が適切なのか?:西南日本,三波川帯の例”, 日本地質学会, 2021/9/4
- 永冶 方敬、ウォリス サイモン, “浅部ウェッジマントルのアンチゴライトの変形メカニズムとカップリング深度”, 日本地質学会, 2021/9/4
- 志村侑亮・常盤哲也・竹内 誠, “紀伊半島中央部,白亜紀沈み込みメガコンプレックスを対象とした地質学的研究:プレート収束型テクトニクスの解明に向けて” (招待講演), 日本地質学会第128年学術大会, 2021/9/6
- 福地 里菜、伊藤 久敏、山口 飛鳥、木村 学, “南海前弧海盆(熊野海盆)付加体基盤の砕屑性ジルコン年代頻度分布”, 日本地質学会第128年学術大会, 2021/9/6
- 箱守 貴、谷 健一郎、黒田 潤一郎、山口 飛鳥, “巨摩山地桃の木亜層群の年代・後背地の再検討:伊豆弧衝突開始年代の地質学的制約に向けて” , 日本地質学会第128年学術大会, 2021/9/6
- 大熊 祐一、野田 篤、 高下 裕章、山田 泰広、山口 飛鳥、芦 寿一郎, “海山表面の摩擦条件が付加体変形過程に与える影響と天然への応用”, , 日本地質学会第128年学術大会, 2021/9/6
- 木村 学、中村 恭之、白石 和也、藤江 剛、辻 健、福地 里菜、山口 飛鳥, “南海前弧海盆の分水嶺 -紀伊半島沖隆起帯の成因と南海地震発生帯の分割-“, 日本地質学会第128年学術大会, 2021/9/6
- Rie Nakata, Masa Kinoshita, Yoshitaka Hashimoto, Yohei Hamada, “Drilling and monitoring in Hyuga-Nada: Unveiling effects of ridge subduction on slow earthquakes” (招待講演), 日本地質学会, 2021/9/7
- R. Arai, S. Miura, Y. Nakamura, G. Fujie, Y. Kaiho, S. Kodaira, K. Mochizuki, R. Nakata, K. Okino, “Correlation between physical properties of the plate interface and distribution of slow earthquakes in the Hyuga-nada subduction zone”, International Joint Workshop on Slow Earthquakes 2021, 2021/9/15
- Asuka YAMAGUCHI, “Geological factors affecting broad spectrum of fault behavior in subduction zones”, International Joint Workshop on Slow Earthquakes 2021, 2021/9/15
- Saeko Kita, Heidi Houston, Suguru Yabe, Sachiko Tanaka, Youichi Asano, Takuo Shibutani & Naoki Suda, “紀伊半島下のゆっくりすべり,スラブ内地震と内陸地震” (招待講演), 日本鉱物科学会2021年年会・総会, 2021/9/17
- 新井隆太・三浦誠一・中村恭之・藤江剛・海宝由佳・小平秀一・望月公廣・仲田理映・沖野郷子, “日向灘における稠密地殻構造探査に基づくプレート沈み込み構造とスロー地震活動の関係”, 日本地震学会2021 年度秋季大会, 2021/10/14
- 山口飛鳥, “構造地質学的にみたアウターライズ断層”(基調講演), 地震研究所共同利用研究集会「海溝海側の過程に関する横断的研究:沈み込み帯 インプットの実態解明を目指して」, 2021/10/25
- 山口飛鳥, “沈み込み帯の地震と流体:地質学的アプローチ再考”, 東京大学大気海洋研究所共同研究集会「流体の地球科学:物理学-化学-地質学-生物学的研究からの統合的な展望 InterRidge Japan研究集会」, 2021/11/26
- R. Arai, S. Miura, Y. Nakamura, G. Fujie, Y. Kaiho, S. Kodaira, K. Mochizuki, R. Nakata, K. Okino, “Structural controls on shallow slow earthquakes in the Hyuga-nada subduction zone, southwest Japan”, AGU Fall meeting 2021, 2021/12/14
- Saeko Kita, Heidi Houston, Suguru Yabe, Sachiko Tanaka, Youichi Asano, Takuo Shibutani & Naoki Suda, “Relationship of in-slab events with episodic tremor and slip and detection of updip slow slip near the locked megathrust in the Nankai subduction”, AGU Fall meeting 2021, 2021/12/14
- Rie Nakata, Masa Kinoshita, Yoshitaka Hashimoto, Yohei Hamada , Yasuyuki Nakamura, Ryuta Arai, Seiichi Miura, Gou Fujie, Mudasar Saqab, Victorian Paumard, “Subducting seamount chain as a primary driver for slow earthquakes in Hyuga-Nada, SW Japan: Insights from recent geophysical imaging”, AGU Fall meeting 2021, 2021/12/17
- 宮崎 一希, 中島 淳一, 末永 伸明, 吉岡 祥一, “中部日本下に沈み込んだフィリピン海プレートの行方”, 日本地球惑星科学連合2021年大会, 2021/6/4
- 松本 拓己, 巽 好幸, 末永 伸明, 吉岡 祥一, 金子 克哉, “沈み込むスラブの年代の違いによる西南日本の火山分布の特徴~熱構造の観点から~”(招待講演), 日本地球惑星科学連合2021年大会, 2021/6/4
- 岩本 佳耶, 末永 伸明, 吉岡 祥一, “アラスカ沈み込み帯における3次元温度構造モデリング”, 日本地球惑星科学連合2021年大会, 2021/6/5
- Yukinari Seshimo, Shoichi Yoshioka, “Spatiotemporal slip distributions of the 2018-2019 Bungo Channel long-term slow slip event” Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2021, 2021/6/5
- 縣 亮一郎・中田 令子・笠原 天人・八木 勇治・瀬下 幸成・吉岡 祥一・飯沼 卓史, “豊後水道長期的スロースリップにおけるすべり分布のベイズマルチモデル推定:先験的拘束条件の推定結果に対する影響”, 日本地震学会2021年度秋季大会, 2021/10/14
- 宮崎 一希・中島 淳一・末永 伸明・吉岡 祥一, “北陸地方下のフィリピン海プレート形状を探る”, 日本地震学会2021年度秋季大会, 2021/10/15
- 岩本 佳耶・末永 伸明・吉岡 祥一, “アラスカ沈み込み帯における深部低周波微動と3次元温度構造・脱水分布との関連性”, 日本地震学会2021年度秋季大会, 2021/10/15
- 吉岡 祥一, “今年度及び5カ年の活動計画”, 学術変革領域研究A03班キックオフミーティング, 2021/11/17
- 吉岡 祥一, “本プロジェクトにおける研究計画”, SF地震学B03班キックオフミーティング, 2021/12/2
- Shoichi Yoshioka, Nobuaki Suenaga, Yingfeng Ji, Tomotaka Iwata, Hiroshi Kawase, Fumiaki Nagashima, Shinichi Matsushima, Ryosuke Ando and Bunichiro Shibazaki, “6-year achievement of the Japanese B1 group”, JST-JICA-UNAM Final Workshop, 2022/3/7
- 縣 亮一郎・中田 令子・笠原 天人・八木 勇治・瀬下 幸成・吉岡 祥一・飯沼 卓史, “地下構造の不確かさを考慮したベイズマルチモデル断層すべり推定”, 都市地震リスク軽減に向けたデータ駆動型研究の最前線, 2022/3/16
- 吉岡 祥一・瀬下 幸成・松岡 美子・井出 哲, “豊後水道下で発生する長期的スロースリップイベントについて”, 地殻変動研究のこれまでとこれから, 2022/3/26
- Ryoichiro Agata, Ryoko Nakata, Amato Kasahara, Yuji Yagi, Yukinari Seshimo, Shoichi Yoshioka and Takeshi Iinuma, “A Bayesian multi-model inference for fault slip distribution: the effect of prior constraints in the estimation for long-term slow slip events beneath the Bungo Channel”, International Joint Workshop on Slow Earthquakes 2021, 2021/9/14-16
- 田中 愛幸, “地震時変形に対する曲率や弾性定数の水平不均質の影響”, 日本地球惑星科学連合2021年大会, 2021/6/3
- Yoshiyuki Tanaka, “Possible relationship between tides and decadal changes of seismicity in Japan”(招待講演), 19th International Symposium on Geodynamics and Earth Tides, 2021/6/24
- Yoshiyuki Tanaka, Hiromu Sakaue, Yuichi Hiramatsu, “Gravity observations in the long-term slow slip areas”, International Joint Workshop on Slow Earthquakes 2021, 2021/9/14
- Satoshi Itaba, Kazuaki Ohta, Hiroshi Hasegawa, “Detection of shallow SSE off the Kii Peninsula by onshore borehole strainmeter”, International Joint Workshop on Slow Earthquakes 2021, 2021/9/16
- 板場智史、太田和晃、長谷川浩, “陸上ボアホール歪観測による紀伊半島沖浅部SSEの検出”, 日本地震学会2021年度秋季大会, 2021/10/14
- 横田裕輔, 渡邉俊一, 石川直史, 中村優斗, “GNSS-A海底地殻変動観測に影響を与える傾斜場の時間安定性と観測精度”, 日本地震学会2021年度秋季大会, 2021/10/14
- 渡邉俊一, 石川直史, 中村優斗, 横田裕輔, “GNSS-A海底地殻変動アレイ「SGO-A」で捉えた東北地方太平洋沖地震後10年間の地震後海底地殻変動”, 日本地震学会2021年度秋季大会, 2021/10/14
- 石川直史, 渡邉俊一, 中村優斗, 横田裕輔, “GNSS-A海底地殻変動観測アレイSGO-Aによる南海トラフプレート境界のすべり欠損レートの変動モニタリング”, 日本地震学会2021年度秋季大会, 2021/10/14
- 中村優斗, 横田裕輔, 石川直史, 渡邉俊一, “数値シミュレーションを用いたGNSS-A海底地殻変動観測における海中音速場の影響評価”, 日本地震学会2021年度秋季大会, 2021/10/14
- 平松祐一, 田中愛幸, 小林昭夫, “スロースリップ信号の検出に向けた石垣島気象台における重力解析 (第一報) “, 日本測地学会第136回講演会, 2021/11/17
- 板場智史、太田和晃、長谷川浩, “陸上ボアホール歪観測による紀伊半島沖浅部SSEの検出”, 日本測地学会, 2021/11/17
- 田中 愛幸、香取 秀俊, “光格子時計の利用により期待される地殻変動監視の高度化”, 日本測地学会, 2021/11/17
- 中村優斗, 横田裕輔, 石川直史, 渡邉俊一, “数値シミュレーションを用いたGNSS-A海底地殻変動観測における単層の海中音速水平傾斜場による影響の検証”, 日本測地学会, 2021/11/17
- 石川直史, 横田裕輔, 渡邉俊一, 中村優斗, “GNSS-A海底地殻変動の地殻変動現象の検出能力”, 日本測地学会, 2021/11/17
- Yoshiyuki Tanaka, Volker Klemann, Zdenec Martinec, “Estimating the Effects of Laterally Heterogeneous Density Structures on Coseismic Deformation -a Rotationally Symmetric Case-“, AGU Fall Meeting 2021, 2021/12/14
- Nakamura Y, Ishikawa T, Watanabe S, Yokota Y GNSS-A observation along the Nankai Trough by Japan Coast Guard’s Seafloor Geodetic Observation Array (SGO-A) 非招待 AGU Fall Meeting 2021 2021/12/14
- Watanabe S, Ishikawa T, Nakamura Y, Yokota Y Co- and postseismic slip behaviors of the 2011 Tohoku-oki earthquake extracted from decadal seafloor geodesy with the GNSS-A Seafloor Geodetic Observation Array (SGO-A) operated by the Japan Coast Guard 非招待 AGU Fall Meeting 2021 2021/12/14
- Y. Hiramatsu., Y. Tanaka., and A. Kobayashi Gravity data analysis to extract temporal gravity anomalies associated with slow slip events in the Ryukyu Trench 非招待 AGU Fall Meeting 2021 2021/12/16
- Yokota Y, Ishikawa T, Watanabe S, Nakamura Y Technological overview of GNSS-A analysis software GARPOS and GNSS-A Seafloor Geodetic Observation Array (SGO-A) around Japan, operated by the Japan Coast Guard 非招待 OCEAN SCIENCE MEETING 2022 2022/3/4
- Y. Hiramatsu., Y. Tanaka., and A. Kobayashi Gravity data analysis to extract temporal gravity anomalies during the slow slip events in the Ryukyu Trench 非招待 International Joint Workshop on Slow Earthquakes 2021 2021/9/14-16
- Yakabu, R. and M. Nakamura, “Complementary distribution between very-low-frequency earthquakes and interplate-coupled area in the southwestern Ryukyu Trench.”, 日本地球惑星科学連合2021年大会, 2021/6/6
- “Nakamura, M., Kodaira, S, Ishihara, Y, Kuo, BY, Lin. PP., “Spatio-temporal distribution of very low-frequency earthquakes activity in the north Ryukyu Trench”, 日本地球惑星科学連合2021年大会, 2021/6/6
- Furugen, H. and Nakamura, M., “Distribution of Very-Low Frequency Earthquake in the Central Ryukyu Trench”, 日本地球惑星科学連合2021年大会, 2021/6/6
- Masaru Nakano, Suguru Yabe, “Variations of source characteristics of shallow tectonic tremor, Nankai trough, inferred from changes of the event size distribution”, 日本地球惑星科学連合2021年大会, 2021/6/6
- T. Uchide, “Quantification of the Complexities in Rupture Processes of Small Earthquakes by Multiple Spectral Ratio Analyses”, SCEC Annual Meeting 2021, 2021/9/14
- 三井雄太・上原啓嗣・小杉一誠・松尾功二, “南海トラフのプレート内地震活動度と長期的スロースリップイベントの時空間的関係”, 日本地震学会2021年度秋季大会, 2021/10/14
- 内出崇彦, “多重スペクトル解析による小地震の震源過程の複雑性の定量化”, 日本地震学会2021年度秋季大会, 2021/10/14
- 矢野恵佑, 加納将行, “l1トレンドフィルタリングによる西南日本GNSSアレイからの短期スロースリップ現象の検出”, 日本地震学会2021 年度秋季大会, 2021/10/14
- 倉田澄人, 山中遥太, 矢野恵佑, 駒木文保, 椎名高裕, 加藤愛太郎, “構造正則化を応用した地震波トモグラフィ法による速度不連続面の検出”, 日本地震学会2021 年度秋季大会, 2021/10/14
- 中野優、杉岡裕子、荒木英一郎、中島倫也、伊藤亜妃、松本浩幸、横引貴史、利根川貴志、山本揚二朗、木村俊則、藤江剛、田中聡, “鬼界カルデラにおけるDASを用いた地震動、エアガン観測”, 日本地震学会2021 年度秋季大会, 2021/10/14
- 馬場 慧・小原 一成・武村 俊介・竹尾 明子・栗原亮, “日本周辺の超低周波地震活動における時間変化の特徴の定量化”, 日本地震学会2021年度秋季大会, 2021/10/15
- 中野優、杉岡裕子、荒木英一郎、中島倫也、伊藤亜妃、松本浩幸、横引貴史、利根川貴志、山本揚二朗、木村俊則、藤江剛、田中聡, “DASによる鬼界カルデラの地震動・エアガン観測”, 日本火山学会2021 年度秋季大会, 2021/10/20
- 矢野恵佑, 加納将行, “西南日本 GNSS アレイからの短期スロースリップ現象の検出:l1トレンドフィルタリングによるアプローチ”, 日本測地学会第 136 回講演会, 2021/11/17
- 三井雄太, “(準)周期的変動を含む測地データのLSTM深層学習:人工データでのテスト”, 日本測地学会第136回講演会, 2021/11/18
- 小杉一誠・三井雄太, “日本列島のGNSS水平ひずみ速度場と地震メカニズム解の比較”, 日本測地学会第136回講演会, 2021/11/18
- 坂上啓, 西村卓也, 伊藤喜宏, Vladimir Kostoglodov, Jose Antonio Santiago, Victor M Cruz-Atienza, “2014年から2017年にメキシコゲレロおよびオアハカで発生したスロースリップイベントの時空間発展の推定”, 日本測地学会第136回講演会, 2021/11/18
- Takemura, S., Obara, K., Shiomi, K., Baba, S. , “Spatiotemporal variarions of shallow very low frequency earthquake activity southeast off the Kii Peninsula inferred from relocation and moment rate function estimation”, AGU fall meeting, 2021/12/14
- Furugen, H. and Nakamura, M., ” Interplate coupling and distribution of very-low-frequency earthquakes in the central Ryukyu Trench”, AGU Fall Meeting 2021, 2021/12/14
- Baba, S., K. Obara, S. Takemura, A. Takeo, and R. Kurihara, “Quantification of characteristics of temporal change in very low frequency earthquake activity around Japan”, International Joint Workshop on Slow Earthquakes 2021 , 2021/9/14-2021/9/16
- Shunichi Nomura, “Modeling and Prediction of Recurrent Earthquakes”(基調講演), International Actuarial Association(IAA) ASTIN 2021 Online Colloquium, 2021/5/20
- 齊藤竜彦, “歪みエネルギー評価による地震発生メカニズムの理解”(招待講演), 日本地球惑星科学連合2021年大会, 2021/06/03
- 野田朱美, 齊藤 竜彦, “エネルギーバランスを考慮した南海トラフプレート境界地震の発生シナリオ:地震履歴に基づく応力蓄積モデル”, 日本地球惑星科学連合2021年大会, 2021/6/3
- Chang, T., and S. Ide, “Hotspots of Hypocenters Illuminated by a Newly-Developed Cross-Correlation-Based Hypocenter and Centroid Relocation Method”, JpGU Meeting 2021, 2021/6/4
- Chang, T., and S. Ide, “Hotspots of Hypocenters Illuminated by a Newly-Developed Cross-Correlation-Based Hypocenter and Centroid Relocation Method”, 日本地球惑星科学連合2021年大会, 2021/6/4
- Masuda, K., Ide, S., and T. Matsuzawa, “Attenuation effect on observed frequency characteristics of broadband slow earthquakes”, 日本地球惑星科学連合2021年大会, 2021/6/6
- Chang, T., and S. Ide, “Hypocenter Hotspots Illuminated by a New Cross-Correlation-Based Hypocenter and Centroid Relocation Method”, Int. Joint Workshop on Slow Earthquakes 2021, 2021/9/14
- Chang, T., and S. Ide, “Hypocenter Hotspots Illuminated by a New Cross-Correlation-Based Hypocenter and Centroid Relocation Method”, International Joint Workshop on Slow Earthquakes 2021, 2021/9/14
- Masuda, K., Ide, S., and T. Matsuzawa, “Attenuation effect on observed frequency characteristics of broadband slow earthquakes”, International Joint Workshop on Slow Earthquakes 2021, 2021/9/14
Kazuki Masuda, Yoshihiro Kaneko, “Investigation of scaling laws for earthquake source parameters using simulations of dynamic rupture with a hierarchical patch structure”, AGU Fall Meeting 2021, 2021/12/16
- Chang, T., and S. Ide, “Hypocenter Hotspots Illuminated Using a New Cross-Correlation-Based Hypocenter and Centroid Relocation Method”, AGU Fall Meeting 2021, 2021/12/17
- Ryo Ito, Yoshihiro Kaneko, “Temporal evolution of b-values in rate-and-state fault models with frictional heterogeneities”, AGU Fall Meeting 2021, 2021/12/17
- A. Noda, T. Saito, E. Fukuyama, and Y. Urata, “Energy-based method to generate rupture scenarios for megathrust earthquakes in the Nankai Trough subduction zone, southwest Japan: A necessary Ccondition for earthquake generation”, AGU Fall Meeting 2021, 2021/12/17
- Chang, T., and S. Ide, “Hypocenter Hotspots Illuminated Using a New Cross-Correlation-Based Hypocenter and Centroid Relocation Method “, AGU Fall Meeting 2021, 2021/12/17
- Hitoshi Hirose, Takeshi Matsushima, Takao Tabei, Takuya Nishimura, “Slow slip events in the Bungo Channel and Hyuganada areas from May 2018 to June 2019 detected by a GNSS observation network”, 日本地球惑星科学連合2021年大会, 2021/5/30-2021/6/6
- Naoya Chujo, Hitoshi Hirose, Takeshi Kimura, “The moment release rate of short-term slow slip events in the northern Kii Peninsula from 2002 to 2015 based on NIED Hi-net tilt data”, 日本地球惑星科学連合2021年大会, 2021/5/30-2021/6/6
- Yutaro Okada, Takuya Nishimura, Takao Tabei, Takeshi Matsushima, Hitoshi Hirose,”Development of the detection method for short-term slow slip events using GNSS data and its application to the Nankai subduction zone”, 日本地球惑星科学連合2021年大会, 2021/5/30-2021/6/6
- Sawako Teshiba, Hitoshi Hirose, “A comparison of the source areas in Hyuganada among afterslip of two interplate earthquakes in 1996 and successive slow slip events”, 日本地球惑星科学連合2021年大会, 2021/5/30-2021/6/6
- 浅井ゆう子・島伸和・羽入朋子・松野哲男・廣瀬仁・南拓人・杉岡裕子, “鬼界海底カルデラ付近で得られた海底圧力観測の初期的な結果”, 日本地球惑星科学連合2021年大会, 2021/5/30-2021/6/6
- Hitoshi Hirose, Takeshi Matsushima, Takao Tabei, Takuya Nishimura, “Slow slip events in the Bungo Channel and Hyuganada areas from 2018 to 2019 detected by a GNSS observation network”, International Joint Workshop on Slow Earthquakes 2021, 2021/9/14-16
- Naoya Chujo, Hitoshi Hirose, Takeshi Kimura, “The moment release rate of short-term slow slip events in the northern Kii Peninsula based on NIED Hi-net tilt data (2002-2020)”, International Joint Workshop on Slow Earthquakes 2021, 2021/9/14-16
- Takashi Tonegawa, Earth, Planets and Space “2021 Highlighted Papers”, 2022 link
- 渡邉俊一, 石川直史, 中村優斗, 横田裕輔 “令和3年, 度水路技術奨励賞”, 2022
Mass Media
- 小原 一成, 松澤 孝紀, 日刊工業新聞, “3.11メッセージ/“地震学の敗北”から一転 「スロー地震」 解明進む”, 2022.3.11, link
- 北 佐枝子, 日刊建設工業新聞, “防災減災 南海トラフ地震”, 2022.3.1
- 宇野 正起, 日経産業新聞, “岩が水蓄える仕組み解明 東北大、CO2貯留に活用も”, 2022.2.7, link
- 田中 愛幸, 中日新聞(北陸版), “珠洲群発地震の原因か 流体の動き 継続監視”, 2022.2.3, link
- 田中 愛幸, 読売新聞(石川県版), “珠洲の地震 現地調査着手”, 2022.2.21
- 宇野 正起, 日刊工業新聞, “岩石変質前の組成解明 機械学習で復元”, 2022.2.16, link
- 田中 愛幸, NHK BSプレミアム「コズミックフロント」, “宇宙をひらく 究極の“時間”に迫れ!”, 2022.1.6, link
- 宇野 正起, 日刊工業新聞, “地球深部の岩石破壊解明ー東北大 体積膨張反応が要因”, 2022.1.21, link
- 北 佐枝子, 建設通信新聞, “ゆっくりすべり とスラブ内地震の連動 地下深部の水移動が原因”, 2021.12.22
- 北 佐枝子, 建設工業新聞, “南海トラフ地震詳細な固着はがれ検出 共同研究論文,英国誌に掲載“, 2021.12.22
- 北 佐枝子, プレスリリース(HP,筑波研究学園都市記者会および科学記者会), “南海トラフ地震の詳細な固着はがれの検出に成功!
~紀伊半島下の想定震源域でのスロースリップの”すべりの遅れ”を発見”, 2021.12.21および2022.1.6, link
- 板場 智史, NHKおはよう日本, “スロースリップ 巨大地震の前ぶれつかめ”, 2021.12.12
- 板場 智史, NHK和歌山放送局, ““スロースリップ” 巨大地震の前ぶれを探る”, 2021.11.17
- 山口 飛鳥, 岩手日報ジュニアウイークリー, “メーユのさんりくゼミナール 第4回 海と陸が出合う三陸”, 2021.7.20
- 山口 飛鳥, 岩手日報ジュニアウイークリー, “メーユのさんりくゼミナール 第3回 多様な地形 なぜできたの”, 2021.6.15
- 山田 泰広, NHK BSプレミアム「コズミックフロント」, “付加体形成のモデル実験”, 2021.4.29, link
Press Release
- 宇野正起, “変質した岩石の化学組成を機械学習で復元!―地球内部の元素循環の統一的な解明へ―” プレスリリース(HP,宮城県政記者会、文部科学記者会、科学記者会), 2022.2.10, link
- 宇野正起, “化学反応によって岩石が破壊され、水や二酸化炭素が持続的に固定されるメカニズムを解明”, プレスリリース(HP,宮城県政記者会、文部科学記者会、科学記者会), 2022.1.18, link
- 北 佐枝子, “南海トラフ地震の詳細な固着はがれの検出に成功!~紀伊半島下の想定震源域でのスロースリップの”すべりの遅れ”を発見”, プレスリリース(HP,筑波研究学園都市記者会および科学記者会), 2021.12.21および2022.1.6, link
- 田中 愛幸, 滞在交流施設 日置ハウス, “群発地震と重力観測”, 2022.3.16
- 板場 智史, 山口大学地域防災・減災センター 第5回防災・減災講演会, “南海トラフ地震予測に向けた研究の現状と予測可能性”, 2022.3.9, link
- 北 佐枝子, 令和3年度建築研究所講演会(有楽町マリオン), “スラブ内地震、海溝型巨大地震とスロー地震”, 2022.3.4, link
- 新井 隆太, JAMSTEC海域地震火山部門2021年度講演会, “南西諸島の海底下を探る ~南海トラフとは違う?~”, 2021.12.23, link
- ウォリス サイモン, アースサイエンスウィーク・ジャパン2021, “日本列島の地質が記録するプレート運動”, 2021.10.31, link
- 廣瀬 仁, 神戸大学ホームカミングデイ2021 理学部企画 (動画配信), “地殻変動観測によるスロー地震の研究”, 2021.10.30
- 三井 雄太, 静岡大学広報誌『SUCCESS』2021年秋号, “静岡大学の若手研究者たち”, 2021.10
- 山口 飛鳥, 三陸鉄道, “海と希望の学校on三鉄”, 2021.9.12, link
- 福地 里菜, J-descと鳴門教育大学共催ランチョンセミナー(徳島大学、愛媛大学、高知大学), IODP研究航海実施中「かいめい」ライブ中継, 2021.5.7